| 1. | What was prince edward island ' s main food crop 爱德华王子岛上居民的主食是什麽? |
| 2. | What was the capital of prince edward island 爱德华王子岛的首府是哪里呢? |
| 3. | Which two provinces are closest to prince edward island 哪两个省份最近爱德华王子岛? |
| 4. | Which two provinces are closest to prince edward island 最靠近爱德华王子岛是哪两个省? |
| 5. | University of prince edward island , charlottetown 爱德华王子岛大学 |
| 6. | University of prince edward island 爱德华王子岛大学 |
| 7. | 10 canada prince edward island 10加拿大安大略 |
| 8. | Canada prince edward island 11加拿大北加拿大 |
| 9. | In the early 1800s , there were only a few schools on prince edward island 西元1800年初期,爱德华王子岛上只有少数几所学校。 |
| 10. | Prince edward island 爱德华王子岛 |